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Image by Max Saeling

Lightning Preparedness

When thunder roars, go indoors!   

If you hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning.


  • If you hear thunder and/or see lightning, get indoors (an open

structure, carport or covered patio are not considered safe).

  • If no enclosed structure is available, get inside a hard-topped

vehicle. Do not ride a motorcycle or bicycle during storms.

  • DO NOT take shelter under a tree!

  • Stay away from water (pools, lakes, rivers, oceans, etc.),

trees and other tall or metal objects.

  • Do not take a bath or shower during thunderstorms.

  • If you are on a boat, get to shore immediately if possible

  • Avoid being the tallest object around. If no shelter is nearby,

crouch down into a ball on the balls of your feet, away from 

taller objects.

  • Avoid open spaces such as golf courses, open fields and

hiking trails when thunderstorms threaten.

  • Stay away from wire fences, metal clothes lines, power lines

and other electrically conductive objects.

  • Install surge protectors in your home and avoid using plug-in

electronics during thunderstorms.


THE 30-30 RULE

  1. When you see lightning, could the number of seconds before you hear thunder.

  2. Divide the number of seconds by 5 to figure out how many miles away the thunderstorm is.

  3. Get indoors if the lightning-to-thunder delay is 30 seconds or less.

  4. Stay indoors until 30 minutes have past since the last clap of thunder.


  • CALL 911 immediately.

  • If the victim is conscious, give first aid if needed and keep the victim calm.

  • Perform CPR (if trained and consent is implied or given by a guardian) if the victim is not breathing and doesn't have a pulse.

  • Stay with the victim (if it is safe for you to do so) until EMS arrives.

Image by Michael D
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DISCLAIMER:  This website and business are owned and operated by Prepare with Cher, LLC.  The content provided is for informational, educational and entertainment use only.  The information on this website is to be used at your own risk.  Prepare with Cher, LLC will not compensate you for any loss or damages incurred while using information provided on this website. 

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