* Weigh & measure luggage ahead of time & and make sure your carry-on isn't too heavy to lift into the overhead bin.
* Use the restroom before boarding to limit encounters with the
on-board glorified porta-potty.
* Bring snacks with you - airport prices are inflated.
* Pack meds, jewelry, valuables, extra clothes, underwear, deodorant and necessary
<3.4 oz. toiletries in your carry-on (plan for cancellations).
* If you're a germaphobe like me, sanitizing wipes provide peace of mind.
* Bring a small blanket & neck pillow for added comfort.
* If you know you have stinky feet, please leave your shoes on.
* Avoid embarrassing moments. Probiotics can help with flatulence.
Remember, a plane cabin's air is recycled...
* If you're sick, don't fly. If you must fly, please wear a mask: no one
wants your germs and people will most likely not talk to you.
* You can never have too many tissues or mints - keep them in your bag.
* Head phones and ear plugs are good for two reasons: for relaxing
and to avoid conversation.
* Leave your window shade open and take in nature's beauty.
* Pack a portable cell phone charger. Phone batteries seem to drain
faster when traveling...
- Cheryl Nelson
Travel Preparedness Specialist
