Wow, how the world has changed. When businesses shut down in March 2020, I knew that flying wouldn't be the same for a long time. However, as a small business owner who travels a lot for work, I knew that I may not be flying for several weeks...or more. Several of my out-of-town business assignments in March and early April were postponed TBD. However, much to my own surprise, on April 28, 2020, I was back at Newport News/Williamsburg, VA Int'l Airport for a business trip. I know that some of you wouldn't want to fly so soon and I completely understand that. However, in my line of work, travel is something that is unavoidable if one wants to stay "afloat." As I prepared for travel, I knew that I not only had to protect myself, but I also had to protect everyone around me. I made sure to take every precaution, and as I do in all public places now, I wore a mask in the airports and for the duration of my flights. I've always been a "germaphobe," so wiping down my plane seat and the surrounding area was nothing new for me. The airport and airline employees also wore masks and followed guidelines, so my experience, while eerie, was actually quite pleasant. To be honest, I feel that airports and planes may actually be cleaner than some grocery and home improvement stores these days! Thank you to all the hard-working employees!
WATCH to see my experience.